Money that is needed elsewhere is used to buy handfuls of tickets on the outside chance of winning a prize or a jackpot. Studies have shown that the people most likely to buy lottery tickets and raffle chances are those who can least afford them. One of the biggest objections to any kind of raffle, in or out of a church, is that the idea of “chance” draws in many people who should be spending their money more wisely. For various reasons, some Christians object to the use of raffles at church.
Some churches and youth groups use raffles to raise money for summer camp, mission trips, or needed equipment. Raffles are sometimes used by school groups, civic clubs, and charities as a means of raising money. Usually, the tickets are numbered and the winner is drawn at random, so the more tickets a person buys, the greater his chance of winning.
A raffle is a way to make money by selling tickets, or “chances,” to win a big prize.